Oy Vey is a radically welcoming Jewish group located in the Netherlands.
We organize discussions, events, and ad-hoc meetups that focus on Jewish themes.

We Live!
The Jewish Manifesto is live.
Read and listen to the Jewish Manifesto, with music composed and produced by Mischa de Haan.
Source of inspiration
For over two years, the Oy Vey Amsterdam team has had deep conversations with Jews in the Netherlands to develop the Jewish Manifesto – a collection of our thoughts on hopes, fears, and dreams. It’s a source of inspiration for generations to come. What does it mean to be Jewish in the Netherlands? What makes you feel Jewish? How do we feel connected to Israel, or perhaps not?
Am I Jewish enough to participate in Oy Vey?
(The answer is probably yes)
- I’m not religious… (Jewish enough)
- I don’t know any other Jews… (Jewish enough)
- I have a Jewish father or one Jewish grandparent (Jewish enough)
- I’m a convert to Judaism… (Jewish enough)
- I know nothing about Jewish stuff… (Jewish enough)
- I had a BLT sandwich for lunch… (Jewish enough)
- My specific concern is not on this list and I am super anxious about it!!!
Mazal tov! probably nobody’s more Jewish