16 August Shabbat Potluck Dinner
Amsterdam, Amsterdam
16/08/2024 18:00Join Oy Vey for a Shabbat potluck dinner in Amsterdam on Friday, 16 August.
Summer’s here, and so are we. We’ll be having a potluck Shabbat dinner with a touch of ritual on Friday, 16 August. Please join us for an evening of conversation, connection, and food.
Kugel lovers (you know who you are 😉): this is your time to shine! We’re hosting a true potluck, so please bring food to share with others.
Doors open: 18.00
Candle-lighting: 19.00
Food: Around 19.00
We welcome a full spectrum of Jewish identities from Jew-ish to Jew-curious, plus non-Jewish friends and partners.
So if you are worried that you aren’t Jewish enough to attend, don’t.