De Haan Month - Queer Shabbat Dinner

Private location in Amsterdam
14/06/2024 00:00Location will be mailedOy Vey is participating in the commemoration of Jacob Israël de Haan on the 100th year since the death of the Jewish writer, socialist, and gay activist. What a life! We will meet on Friday, 14 June for a queer Shabbat dinner: an evening of food, conversation, ritual, and connection.
We don’t have a lot of details yet about the Shabbat dinner, but invite you to sign up for more information.
FEE: The dinner will be catered and there will be a fee for joining. We will try to keep the costs low.
DATE: It will be on Friday evening, 14 June in Amsterdam.
Event Sold-Out
In 1924, De Haan’s life was ended by a Haganah (Zionist paramilitary organization) assassin’s bullet to prevent his anti-Zionist activities.
Some of you have surely seen the statue of the pillar on the back of the turtle, with his poem:
Die te Amsterdam vaak zei Jeruzalem
En naar Jeruzalem gedreven kwam
Hij zegt met een mijmrende steM
“Amsterdam, Amsterdam.”Who in Amsterdam often said ‘Jerusalem’
And when driven to Jerusalem
Whispers in a wistful voice
“Amsterdam, Amsterdam.”
To find out more, go to the De Haan Maand website.