Make Your Own Channukiah! UPDATE FULL, No More Sign Ups

Kesemy Design Studio, Amsterdam
Korte Koningsstraat 2122/11/2023 00:00Looking for a fun Chanukah* activity in Amsterdam? Ceramic artist and creative coach Kesem Yahav will guide us through creating our own chanoekiah (menorah) with clay at her workshop in Amsterdam
This workshop is limited to the first 10 people confirmed, so sign up soon!
We always have fun at Kesem Yahav’s workshops & you can too! The cost of the workshop is €60 per person. This includes time and materials, snacks and tea, and your own custom hanukkiah that you will be able to use this season. This is an exciting opportunity to make your own chanukiah* (menorah) just in time for Hanukkah*!
Oy Vey is working to become a self-sustaining community. This is why we ask for a contribution for our gatherings. Pay what you like/can. This money goes towards paying for the costs of building our collective community. It also helps cover costs for folks who cannot afford to pay. This is how we take care of one another.
Don’t let a contribution be a barrier to joining us. You are welcome whether you can pay or not.
We hebben een betaalverzoek gemaakt voor Oy Vey Chanoekiah workshop. Je kunt het bedrag aanpassen en met elke bank in Nederland betalen. Dank je wel!
*Please support our efforts to resist our auto-correct overlords. Keep Channukah spelling chaotic!