New Antisemitism roundtable with Arti et Amicitiae

Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Rokin 11222/09/2020 00:00Join us for a special roundtable reflecting on the issue of antisemitism today and its connection to issues of inclusion, exclusion, and discrimination in contemporary society.
This conversation is in collaboration with Arti et Amicitiae in the context of their exhibition ‘U zult begrijpen dat… De keuzes van Arti et Amicitiae in en na WO2’ in which the organization looks back on its own actions during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
We are using this opportunity not just to remember the past but to empower this memory and employ it to shape our attitudes today. In a context where the widespread idea of ‘Judeo-Christianity’ implies a certain harmony or even reconciliation between its Judaic and Christian elements, we choose to purposely put this notion under the magnifying glass: to investigate the implications and ramifications of this concept with the aims of challenging its employments in today’s discourse. More information will soon be released on the website of Arti et Amicitiae.