Celebrate Adar

Purim, Pesach, and beyond with Oy Vey!
It’s Adar, a month of mirth according to our Jewish horoscope. We plan to celebrate with a Purim Shabbat and maybe even by dressing up in costume. Speaking of costumes: Have you ever felt like an imposter in Jewish spaces?
We know we have. Whether it’s because we are unfamiliar with the prayers or community or have no family tradition to guide us, most of us have felt uncomfortable in a Jewish space.
We are discussing this at the next face-to-face session for Het Joods Manifest. We need your voice! We we want to reach at least 300 Jewish people in the Netherlands and you should be one of them! So whether you can face-to-face or online please sign up to be part of the discussion. Your voice is important! Find out more here.
This month we are introducing featured events from our community. If you’d like us to feature your event, get in touch with us.
Featured Event from the Oy Vey Community
dr. J.V. Roitman, who has been appointed as Full Professor of Jewish Studies, hopes to accept this office by giving her inaugural lecture entitled:
JEWS, HISTORY, AND HOME-MAKING: Colonial contradictions and contemporary challenges
Wednesday 29 March 2023 at 15:45
In the aula of the VU’s main building
De Boelelaan 1105
You can also attend this lecture via http://www.youtube.com/VUBeadlesOffice
The session will be followed by a reception.
meer informatie
Your Jewish Horoscope
Here’s what the good Sefirah Yetzirah tells us about Adar, the month we are entering:
G-d produced ק [Kuf], predominant in Mirth, crowned, combined, and formed Pisces in the world, Adar in the year, and the spleen in the human.