Tamuz! Shabbat, Discussions, Pride

Jewish? Jew-adjacent? On the Jewish spectrum? Oy Vey has events and discussions for you! Join us for Shabbat, The Jewish Manifesto, and the Deviant Yeshiva. Come to one or come to all. You are welcome. This month we are looking for volunteers to help us organize for the Pride Walk on 22 July. Is this you? Contact tori@oyvey.nl.
If you’re not subscribed to the newsletter, you may want to do so right now:
It’s Tamuz…and you know what that means? It’s time for us to consult the Sefer Yetzira (Kaballah) for our cryptic horoscope:
Gd made the letter Chet (ח) king over sight/ And Gd bound a crown to it/ And Gd combined one with another/ And with them Gd formed/ Cancer in the Universe/ Tamuz in the Year/ And the right hand in the Soul/ male and female./
If you’re interested in learning more about the crowns on some of the letters in the Torah, there is a fascinating story about Moses talking about them with Gd. It includes time travel! Does anyone know of an earlier example of writing on time travel? Or is the Talmud the first source? We’d love to know.
You can find more about the crowns on the letters and Moses’s time travel adventure on Sefaria.
Mazel Tov to Oy Vey Member Mari Varsányi!
And to the rest of her family on the birth of Theo. We couldn’t be more happy for the whole family.
Tamar van der Wouden (JVM) is promoting two upcoming events in Utrecht and Rotterdam!
THURSDAY! Jewish Storytelling
Date: 22-06-2023
Time: 20:00 uur
Place: Utrecht
An incredible evening full of Jewish storytelling and music! Featuring Raphael Rodan, Yael van der Wouden, Sara Rosa Espi, Tali Gross, and hosted by the magnificent Rod Ben Zeev! Tickets can be bought here.
Creative workshop + historical tour of Rotterdam
Date: 25-06-2023
Time: 13:00 uur
Place: Rotterdam
Join us for a great day in Rotterdam! We will start with a creative workshop on Jewish identity, followed by a (Jewish!) historical tour through the centre of Rotterdam. Of course we will also end the day with a good old “borrel”. Check here for more information! (Programme is in Dutch)
RSVP TODAY! Ruach Shalom Pride Shabbat
Date: 30-06-2023
Time: 19:30 uur
Place: Amsterdam Oost
Ruach Shalom organiseert Pride Shabbat, waar wij onze diverse seksualiteiten en genderexpressies vieren. De dienst begint om 19:30 op vrijdag 30 juni en vindt plaats zowel online op Zoom als in persoon. Het adres en de Zoom link volgen later.
We moedigen iedereen aan om een bijdrage te leveren (bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van een lied, gedicht, gebed, dans, of lezing) tijdens de dienst. Dat kan zowel in het Engels, Nederlands als Hebreeuws (met vertaling naar Nederlands of Engels). Als je iets wilt bijdragen aan de dienst, stuur het dan naar Shulamit (shulamit.levine@gmail.com) voor 23 juni zodat zij en het team een siddur kunnen voorbereiden en al zo veel mogelijk kunnen vertalen.
Ruach Shalom will organize Pride Shabbat celebrating our diverse sexuality and gender identity expression. The service will begin at 7:30 pm on Friday 30 June and will take place online on Zoom and in person in Amsterdam Oost.
Everyone is encouraged to contribute (for example, but certainly not limited to: a song, a poem, a prayer, a dance, or a reading) during the service. Contributions can be in English, Dutch or Hebrew (with English or Dutch translation). If you have something you would like to add to the service, please send it to Shulamit (shulamit.levine@gmail.com) by 23 June, so she and the team can put together a siddur for the service and so we can translate as much as possible. Please let us know if you’re coming.
Check Out Our Discussion on Anti-Semitism
Who gets to define Jewishness? What is philo-semitism? How can we have better solidarity with other minority groups? Oy Vey hosted an excellent discussion at Pakhuis de Zwijger and you can check it out online:
Samen Tegen Racisme #12: Antisemitisme uitgepakt!(in English)