Shevat Newsletter

This month Oy Vey offers several events for Jews and Jewish adjacent folks in the Netherlands. Additionally, we are partnering with Israelis and Palestinians in the Netherlands on a vigil to share our grief and uplift our shared humanity.
Did you remember to set your calendars forward? I found that I was still marking things as 5783, when it’s been 5784 for months already. Welcome to the new month of Shevat, when we prepare ourselves for the New Year of the Trees, Tu b’Shevat.
Oy Vey will be celebrating this together with Ruach Shalom with a Tu b’Shevat Seder. This will be the first time participating in this type of Seder for most of us, and we are curious.
The tradition of the Tu B’Shevat Seder goes back about 500 years to the time of Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (1534-1572), the well-respected Jewish mystic and rabbi of Safed. During the seder we will eat various symbolic foods, all from different trees and read from a variety of texts collected by Ruach Shalom members.
Oy Vey is also partnering with Israelis and Palestinians of Standing Together NL, Palestijns Netwerk Nederland, and gate48 to host a vigil. You can find out more at the links below.
“We, Israelis and Palestinians, stand together in recognition of our shared humanity.”
You can see all of our events, fresh and up-to-date on our website.
The Oy Vey Recipe

This recipe is from Oy Vey-er Sauci Bosner:
Cook two bags of cauliflower or one head of cauliflower together with three broccoli stalks and two potatoes.
When cooked blitz blitz blitz and add one can of coconut milk, chopped hot red peppers, one chunk of fresh ginger and as much garlic as you like.
Blitz blitz blitz and add chopped parsley, dill, coriander, or whatever herb you want.
I throw in some frozen peas at the end as well!
Voila! A wonderful soup!!
Brief Update: Vredespetitie
We are preparing to present our petition for a ceasefire to Parliament. It’s open for signatures until we present it. Please sign and share.
From Our Members
Tamar van der Wouden from JMW has a Tu b’Shevat event to share:
Celebrate Tu Bishvat at the National Tree Museum (park) with us!
To celebrate Tu Bishvat – the Jewish new year of the trees – we will go together to the National Tree Museum Gimborn, where we will get an amazing (veggie!) lunch and a grand tour of the park. What better way to celebrate the trees than this? There is also a possibility to ride with us from Utrecht CS. The park is wheelchair accessible. Note: Main language is Dutch!
Where: Doorn, Utrecht
When: January 21st, 12:00-15:30
Tickets: Tickets are 20,- p.p., and include lunch and entry of the park.
Any questions, mail me at
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