29 Sept - How to... Rosh Hashana
Den Haag, Den Haag
29/09/2024 19:15Oy Vey offers Jewish activities in the Netherlands. Join us 29 Sept in The Hague for How to… Rosh Hashana
About How to… Rosh Hashana
This is an invitation to workshop your Rosh HaShana dinner. Rosh Hashana kicks off the High Holidays – a period of a few weeks in which we also mark/celebrate Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. But what’s it all about? And how do these holidays interconnect? What are we supposed to do or feel in this sacred time? And where to start?
Let’s start from the basics: Rosh HaShana is one of the 4 Jewish New Years. Today it is the most important and celebrated one. It is interesting to think that there can be several New Years within the same year and the symbology that time can have. For example, one celebration talks about the renewal of nature while another, the oldest one, is connected to the liberation from Egypt. But that is another holiday so let’s come back to the topic 🙂
The central idea behind this activity is that every Jew can do their own celebration. You should be empowered to create a meaningful ritual that connects to your world. The workshop will highlight the central elements of the tradition, ritual and meanings associated with the Chag (holiday) and allow the space for creativity to emerge. Our goal is to allow you an active role in your Jewishness. By the end of the session we will help you to gather a group of other Oy Vey-ers, friends or family and to plan your own (but not alone!) Rosh HaShana dinner. You got this! And we got you!
We will also talk a bit about the context in which Rosh HaShana falls. Some people might be familiar with the other high holidays and others not but the idea is that we get a common understanding of the meaning this period has for Jewish life. If this sparks your interest, we will do other activities that touch on some of those elements like a Tashlich or a Lulav making workshop as well as our 7 October gathering which will explore the concept of return / teshuva.
Join us! Invite your friends! Let’s build Jewish life together.
Date: 29 Sept
Time: 11:00 – 13:00 with simple -tasty! – lunch