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Oy Vey Film – Stories from the Diaspora

In four days, ten film slots, and more than fourteen films, we take you on a remarkable journey through the Jewish world. With our theme Boundless: Stories from the Diaspora, we focus on the diasporic nature of Jewish culture and offer a glimpse into contemporary, living Jewish identity. We explore themes such as marking the life cycle, joy and sorrow, life as a cultural and religious minority, as well as the impact of the persecution of Jews. We also reflect on the meaning and importance of remembrance in contemporary times with a special program on May 4 and 5 (including a special Oy Vey memorial).

Order your tickets in advance through Kriterion and invite all your friends.

Een onafhankelijk, eigenzinnig en uitgesproken Joods filmfestival organiseren is niet eenvoudig. Daarom zijn wij begonnen met een crowdfundingcampagne. Jouw donatie helpt ons om van Oy Vey Film een glansrijk (en terugkerend) succes te maken. Alle beetjes helpen!